
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Step 19 - Unconditional Giving

Day 19 of the National Blog Post Month challenge where I’m writing a blog post every day along the theme of 30 Steps to Happiness and Contentment.

Part of the journey towards happiness and contentment is learning the true art of unconditional giving.  By this I mean giving either your time, thoughts and/or resources to help others and expecting nothing in return.  This could be something like a charity, a friend in need, animal rescue or a complete stranger.

You may think, you can't just give, give, give and get nothing back, but you always get something back.  You get the pleasure that you've helped and contributed in some way to something or someone who needs your help.

I'm not talking about being a doormat and just giving yourself unconditionally to people who don't appreciate you.  I'm talking about being there for a friend in real need, getting involved with a charity that moves you or helping out a complete stranger who needs a hand.

I recently had a nightmare journey to Brittany (Help, medical emergency with kids on board).  My cousin had collapsed at the side of the road and I was on my own with 3 young (and very lively) children.  I had phoned for an ambulance, which took over 1/2 hour to come and it was pouring with rain.  An English family stopped in the lay-by and the lady came over to see if she could help me.  I was in shock and a bit of a wreck to be honest.  She helped me through it - she got an umbrella to cover my cousin, got my children involved and generally helped calm the situation and make me feel less alone.  When the ambulance eventually came, I thanked her profusely and they continued on their way.  

I can never thank that lady enough.  I have no idea of her name or who she was and will probably never see her again.  She didn't know me, she had nothing to gain from helping me, except the knowledge that she'd helped out a stranger in dire need. The tears are splashing onto my notebook as I relive this experience.  She probably has no idea just how much of a godsend she was to me on that day.  I will never, ever, forget her and only hope that there will be someone there for her if she ever needs it and that one day I can be there for someone else in a similar situation.

This is the sort of unconditional giving I'm talking about.  It is so rewarding to give your time and effort to something unconditionally.  To feel that your contribution, no matter how small, has made a difference in some way.  It's so important to give where help is needed, we are all in this world together and we all need help from time to time.  So give unconditionally -  the rewards are immeasurable

You may be interested to read the other posts in this series:
Step 30 - The Key to Happiness and Contentment
Step 29 -You are the master of your own destiny
Step 28 - Don't give up on a good relationship
Step 27 - Don't Judge , Live and let live
Step 26 - Don't Worry, by happy
Step 25 - Never give up
Step 24 - Get by with a little help from your friends
Step 23 - Go with the Flow
Step 22 - Enjoy the moment
Step 21 - Love what you do
Step 20 - Forgive and Forget
Step 19 - Unconditional giving
Step 18 - Smile and the world smiles with you
Step 17 - Work to live, don't live to work
Step 16 - Surround yourself with Positive People
Step 15 - Always look on the bright side of life
Step 14 - Where there's a will there's a way
Step 13 - Silence is Golden
Step 12 - Feed your Soul
Step 11 - Follow your Dreams
Step 10 - Use your time wisely
Step 9 - Don't be too hard on yourself
Step 8 - Consider what you value most
Step 7 - Find time for Yourself
Step 6 - Make time for Family and Friends
Step 5 - Don't take yourself too Seriously
Step 4 - Feel the Fear and do it Anyway
Step 3 - Love what you Hate
Step 2 - There's no such word as CAN''T
Step 1 - Find the Best in Every Day


  1. This is one of my favorites Nikki - so often people expect a reward but to give or to be given something unconditionally brings it's own reward.

    Loving these posts :)

  2. And if you help people without any thought of reward you are less likely to come back as a worm. #justsaying

  3. ;-) Midlife Singlemum - that made me laugh. Unconditional giving is by far the most rewarding kind. We know that as mums, but it can also be the most fun too. A group of us go down to the shopping complex at Christmas and give out presents - some of the reactions we get are amazing. People just don't expect something for nothing nowadays and they can't cope with it. We don't have a society based on kindness.... hmmmmm, I think you've inspired me to another post Nikki ;-)

  4. Thanks great Fiona, I'll look out for that one :)
